
The world is a funny place. Some of the strange, weird and funny stuff is captured here. Enjoy! Kim

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Mars, Marriage and Cruise Control

Albert Einstein was a very smart man. And of all the insights he shared with the world, none more adequately reflect his worldly wisdom than his observation on marriage. He said, "Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed".

How very true.

Is it Mars and Venus? Or are us girls just hard to please?

Some believe the contract was up for TomKat. I think she really was in love with him. Or at least in awe. My vote is that she just wasn't thinking. For the rest of us the evidence was clear from the get go. The minute he jumped on the couch, the warning bells blared for millions of normal people worldwide. Does Oprah get her money back for that couch now?

And really, how many people will agree to start a relationship with a guy who sends his religious posse to put the hard word on you? Interestingly, before Katie, he tried Jennifer Garner, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba and Sofia Vergara with a similar Scientology audition process. But unlike Katie, all of them ran for the hills dodging a bullet of Penelope Cruz proportions.

Not Katie though. Scientology knew they had wife number three stitched up when the elders read an article about Katie in which she mentioned wanting to marry Tom Cruise. She was ripe for the picking. She'd only recently taken down his posters in her bedroom. Fast forward five years. He continues to behave like a nutter and she gets sick of living her life on Cruise Control. Like the two wives before her, she made her exit at age 33. But unlike the other two, she seems to have escaped relatively unscathed; at this stage.

Mimi Rogers career was all but over after divorcing Tom. Nicole Kidman left her kids behind (I still can't get over that). Did Katie learn something from the Wives of Christmas Past? There's obviously some benefit to being wife number three. As with all break ups, how he treated the others is how he'll treat you. So she had to be smarter, more devious, and more organised. And clearly she was. Less than two weeks later, it's done and dusted. She gets the kid and everyone breaths a sign of relief. Makes you wonder what she has on him? Something good obviously, but we'll never know.

So the search is on for wife number four. My tip to Tom is to choose a woman who is older than 33. Wives that age just don't work for you. Ryan Seacrest is older that 33, so that might work?

Kim x

1 comment:

  1. Loved the blog Kimmeeee....Not sure how this relates except it's man/woman stuff. My friend was recently O/S and had a bit of a dating week for some fun as she's recently single. Her week went great but the last date of her trip goes like this below. Too funny not to share enjoy the laugh!!!

    "30 minutes of pleasant convo and a g&t in with a dead ringer for Jason Bateman, I'm asked if I'm open to answering some questions. Sure I say, fire away....So out comes an iPhone with an actual list of questions which is read to me. I laugh and ask if a spotlight has been ordered.....he doesn't laugh.... Questions commence like..... Is there mutual attraction?...I don't know what to say so mumble back the question 'ummm is there?'. After about 15 questions I'm told that one of my answers is a deal breaker!!!!!! I then ask to be given a second chance with a multiple choice option on the incorrect one. Apparently not.....cheque is called for and that's it...."

    Aunty D
