
The world is a funny place. Some of the strange, weird and funny stuff is captured here. Enjoy! Kim

Friday 2 March 2012

First Impressions

Anyone who tells you that they don't care what others think of them is lying or delusional. I however, being the honest and self aware type, know I care. Not to the point that I change who I am, but just enough to hope that people can recognise and appreciate my good intentions.

Don't get me wrong, I don't lose any sleep over people who don't like me. I'm smart enough to realise that I can never please those who aren't on 'Team Kim'. However, for those who are on 'Team Kim', I like to think I'm making them happy, helping them out and and bringing a bit of laughter into their lives. And of course, I always hope to make a good first impression. How successful I am at those first impressions varies wildly.

Take my most recent efforts as an example. A small group of parents at my daughter's school have decided to form a fundraising committee. Our first meeting was at my house this week.

There's only one problem with having humans at my house. My dog. Riccardo the lover dog, a white, fluffy, shoe polisher type, has very low emotional intelligence. He jumps, he humps, and he's generally a big nuisance... much like a husband.

Riccardo greets everyone who enters our home with the usual vigour associated with a home schooled dog. His behaviour at our inaugural fundraising committee meeting was no exception.

The good news is, I knew some of the people in attendance, and I know they like to see the good in people. However, there were a few people I didn't know so well. So that's where the first impressions come in.

We opened a bottle of champagne and only a few of us were having bubbly. The boys were drinking beer. I had two glasses over three hours. Not a lot. However, in the context of having had an alcoholic beverage, what happened next is less than ideal. I went to sit down on my chair but only half sat on it, aiming to slide the rest of the way across. At the same time, my dog was causing havoc at the edge of the table. Being the multi-tasker that I am, I thought I could do both things at once, seat myself and manage my pooch. As I reached across to move him away, I came flying off my chair and landed on the floor. It wasn't pretty, people.

So for those on 'Team Kim' I certainly brought a bit of laughter into their lives. I laughed myself (life's too short not to). But what about those poor unsuspecting victims who haven't yet decided to join the team? What on earth could they be thinking? "That woman can't hold her alcohol"... "two glasses and she's under the table"... literally. Maybe that's what they were thinking. Maybe not. To say I was mortified would be an overstatement. But to say I was slightly mortified would be fairly accurate.

To top it off, I spoke to a friend this morning who wasn't present at the meeting. She had heard the story from "numerous" sources. So again, I'm doing my job and bringing laughter into the world. Not quite as I planned though.

Fortunately for me, I have nice friends, who I expect will rib me about this for some time. Rightfully so. For those who aren't yet my friends, but hopefully will be, all I can wish for is that they're the type who are looking for kindness and laughter with the occasional crazy slip up thrown in for good measure. If that's the case, then I've made a great first impression.

Kim x

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